If either side has a lawyer, the lawyer will usually be asked to prepare the order. \par {\listtext\pard\plain\ltrpar \rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 \hich\af0\dbch\af0\loch\f0 7.\tab}}\pard \ltrpar\ql \fi-360\li720\ri0\sl-453\slmult0\widctlpar
(04/24/17 Minute Order.) \par 4
\ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid4206346
(Milton v. Perceptual Development Corp. (1997) 53 Cal.App.4th 861, 868. \'02\'00. {\fbimajor\f31542\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fbimajor\f31543\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};}
\jexpand\viewkind1\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot\splytwnine\ftnlytwnine\htmautsp\nolnhtadjtbl\useltbaln\alntblind\lytcalctblwd\lyttblrtgr\lnbrkrule\nojkernpunct\rsidroot12155459 \fet0{\*\wgrffmtfilter 013f}\ilfomacatclnup0{\*\template
App. ;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li1800\jclisttab\tx1800\lin1800 }{\listlevel\levelnfc2\levelnfcn2\leveljc2\leveljcn2\levelfollow0\levelstartat1
\f3\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5040\jclisttab\tx5040\lin5040 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698691\'01o;}{\levelnumbers;}
Proc. \rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824\charrsid11011902 (1989) 216 Cal. \rsid4476108\rsid4477197\rsid4523704\rsid4530132\rsid4538680\rsid4552278\rsid4654102\rsid4659402\rsid4659573\rsid4669822\rsid4676281\rsid4733899\rsid4738628\rsid4749021\rsid4785822\rsid4807406\rsid4813514\rsid4814675\rsid4849742\rsid4871255\rsid4876987
;}\f2\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5760\lin5760 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698693\'01\u-3929 ? 1:30 p.m. \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 \line }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 113 \\f "Wingdings" \\s 12}{\fldrslt\f10\fs24}}}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0
\f10\fs20\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li3600\jclisttab\tx3600\lin3600 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\'01\u-3929 ? \fi-360\li2160\lin2160 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698689\'01\u-3913 ? \f10\fs20\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5760\jclisttab\tx5760\lin5760 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\'01\u-3929 ? Proc. \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sl-453\slmult0\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid3493753 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 113 \\f "Wingdings" \\s 12}{\fldrslt\f10\fs24}}}{
\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace360\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698691\'01o;}{\levelnumbers;}\f2\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li3600\lin3600 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative
(c)(1)Whenever the court grants relief from a default, default judgment, or dismissal based on any of the provisions of this section, the court may do any of the following: (A)Impose a penalty of no greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000) upon an offending attorney or party. But,you shouldn't wait until the last day possible if you find out about the default earlier. The court may likewise, in its discretion, after notice to the adverse party, allow, upon any terms as may be just, an amendment to any pleading or proceeding in other particulars; and may upon like terms allow an answer to be made after the time limited by this code. 0030dd4329a8060000a41b00001600000000000000000000000000d60200007468656d652f7468656d652f7468656d65312e786d6c504b01022d001400060008
But check the first page of the Request for Order (form FL-300) you received to find out if the court ordered a specific date by which to serve and file your papers. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 On \line }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \ul\insrsid3932824 \tab
and that his or her lack of actual notice in time to defend the action was not caused by his or her avoidance of service or inexcusable neglect, it may set aside the default or default judgment on whatever terms as may be just and allow the party to defe
;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5040\lin5040 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698691\'01o;}{\levelnumbers
{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 Continued on Attachment 7 to the Declaration. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \ul\insrsid3932824 \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab
}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid3932824
\par }\pard\plain \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sl-453\slmult0\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid3932824 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\rtlch\fcs1
;}{\levelnumbers;}\f10\fs20\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5760\jclisttab\tx5760\lin5760 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext
Relief has been granted for failure to appear at trial due to the mistaken belief that continuance had been granted. (c) Upon a finding by the court that the motion was made within the period permitted by subdivision (a) and that his or her lack of actual notice in time to defend the action was not caused by his or her avoidance of service or inexcusable neglect, it may set aside the default or default judgment on whatever terms as may be just and allow the party to . 473(b) must be filed within a reasonable time but in no case later than six months of the date the default was set aside. \levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698713\'02\'04. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT at the above-captioned date and time and department in the courthouse located at }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid4207253 _______________ (address)}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824
\af0\afs24\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs28\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \sbasedon0 \snext17 \slink18 \sqformat \spriority11 \styrsid16608102 Subtitle;}{\*\cs18 \additive \rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs24
Includea proposed response. \lsdpriority61 \lsdlocked0 Light List;\lsdpriority62 \lsdlocked0 Light Grid;\lsdpriority63 \lsdlocked0 Medium Shading 1;\lsdpriority64 \lsdlocked0 Medium Shading 2;\lsdpriority65 \lsdlocked0 Medium List 1;\lsdpriority66 \lsdlocked0 Medium List 2;
V. CONCLUSION . ;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5040\lin5040 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23
\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698693\'01\u-3929 ? ;}{\levelnumbers;}\f10\fs20\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li2880\jclisttab\tx2880\lin2880 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext
\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\'01\u-3929 ? \par }\pard \ltrpar\s23\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid4206346
;}{\levelnumbers;}\f10\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li4320\jclisttab\tx4320\lin4320 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0
\ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 Exhibit B: (describe)}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \ul\insrsid3932824 \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824\charrsid8800474
\par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid7480003 O}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid3932824\charrsid3619234 . 417). \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sl227\slmult0\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid7480003 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid3932824\charrsid9768719 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 113 \\f "Wingdings"
;}{\levelnumbers;}\f10\fs20\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5040\jclisttab\tx5040\lin5040 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext
;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \hres0\chhres0 \fi-180\li4320\lin4320 }{\listlevel\levelnfc0\levelnfcn0\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext
}{\listname ;}\listid1448619528}{\list\listtemplateid-1560764524\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698689\'01\u-3913 ? \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab
\lsdpriority64 \lsdlocked0 Medium Shading 2 Accent 1;\lsdpriority65 \lsdlocked0 Medium List 1 Accent 1;\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdlocked0 Revision;\lsdqformat1 \lsdlocked0 List Paragraph;\lsdqformat1 \lsdpriority29 \lsdlocked0 Quote;
Need to learn about timing rules for filing family law motions and oppositions? Trying to have a parentage judgment set aside or canceled can be very difficult especially as more time passes. Plaintiff Burt Boyars Motion to Vacate Dismissal and Re-Instate Action is GRANTED. 473.5(c); Goya v. P.E.R.U. 2d 379, 383, 279 P.2d 58). \lsdpriority51 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4;\lsdpriority52 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4;\lsdpriority46 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5;\lsdpriority47 \lsdlocked0 Grid Table 2 Accent 5;
{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698689\'01\u-3913 ? \'a7 670(a)). Those are the latest you can file and serve your request. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. {\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698691\'01o;}{\levelnumbers;}\f2\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li1440\jclisttab\tx1440\lin1440 }{\listlevel
653 (substituted service); }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \i\insrsid3932824\charrsid4813514
2. \levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698689\'01\u-3913 ? (Conway v. Municipal Court (1980) 107 Cal.App.3d 1009, 1017.) ;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fs20\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li720\jclisttab\tx720\lin720 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23
(d)The court may, upon motion of the injured party, or its own motion, correct clerical mistakes in its judgment or orders as entered, so as to conform to the judgment or order directed, and may, on motion of either party after notice to the other party, set aside any void judgment or order. A judge can set aside a default judgment for the following reasons, among others: Mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect of the party who failed to defend himself in the case. If the complaint is not answered by any defendant, the following papers, without being attached together, constitute th
;}{\levelnumbers;}\f10\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li3960\jclisttab\tx3960\lin3960 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace360\levelindent0{\leveltext
(b)Except as otherwise provided in \par
;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li3240\jclisttab\tx3240\lin3240 }{\listlevel\levelnfc4\levelnfcn4\leveljc0\leveljcn0
{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824\charrsid12718649 Continued on Attachment 8 to the Declaration. \par \tab \tab Defendant In Pro Per}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f0\fs24\insrsid3932824\charrsid4654102
}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824\charrsid11011902
\leveltemplateid67698705\'02\'00);}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li720\lin720 }{\listlevel\levelnfc4\levelnfcn4\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext
\leveltemplateid67698689\'01\u-3913 ? The mistake in either case must be material and excusable. \par }\pard \ltrpar\ql \li0\ri0\sl-453\slmult0\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid3932824 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824
}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta . \insrsid3932824\charrsid10957546
\par 12
Welcome to FindLaw's Cases & Codes, a free source of state and federal court opinions, state laws, and the United States Code. If the court didn't have your address and never mailed you a Notice,you must file and serve the request to set aside within 2 years of the date the default judgment was entered. \'01\u-3929 ? Reasonable usually means as soon as possible once you find out about the default judgment. , Sacramento, California that Defendant will move the court for an order requesting that the Default and, if entered, Default Judgment be set aside, }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 113 \\f "Wingdings"
;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li720\lin720 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1
4 ;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5760\lin5760 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace360\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698691
Need to learn about various forms of discovery, like production demands, In some cases, you may want or need the other side to come to court. , and having the following physical }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid15408138 description:}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \ul\insrsid3932824 \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab
a private individual. Talk to a lawyer to find out more about an appeal or reconsideration. However, excepted from the rule are those instances where the attorney's neglect is of that extreme degree amounting to positive misconduct, and the person seeking relief is relatively free from negligence. FindLaw Codes may not reflect the most recent version of the law in your jurisdiction. \par 9
;}{\levelnumbers;}\f10\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li6480\jclisttab\tx6480\lin6480 }{\listname ;}\listid1029839830}
}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824
\lsdsemihidden1 \lsdunhideused1 \lsdqformat1 \lsdpriority39 \lsdlocked0 TOC Heading;\lsdpriority41 \lsdlocked0 Plain Table 1;\lsdpriority42 \lsdlocked0 Plain Table 2;\lsdpriority43 \lsdlocked0 Plain Table 3;\lsdpriority44 \lsdlocked0 Plain Table 4;
(a)(1)The court may, in furtherance of justice, and on any terms as may be proper, allow a party to amend any pleading or proceeding by adding or striking out the name of any party, or by correcting a mistake in the name of a party, or a mistake in any other respect; and may, upon like terms, enlarge the time for answer or demurrer. Look for a "Chat Now" button in the right bottom corner of your screen. \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid3932824\charrsid1925872 E. Motion for Relief From Default for Lack of Actual Notice. \f2\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li1440\jclisttab\tx1440\lin1440 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698693\'01\u-3929 ? \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab
{\fdbmajor\f31521\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fdbmajor\f31522\fbidi \froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur{\*\falt Times New Roman};}
;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li2880\lin2880 }{\listlevel\levelnfc4\levelnfcn4\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext
You must file the request for order to set aside within 6 months after you found out about or should have found out about the fraud. erve and file a notice of motion to set aside the default or default judgment and f}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid7480003 or leave to defend the action (Civ. \widctlpar\intbl\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\pararsid9666040 {\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \ul\insrsid3932824 \cell }\pard\plain \ltrpar\s44\ql \li0\ri0\sl-227\slmult0
You must file the request for order to set aside within 6 months after you found out about or should have found out about the support order. \insrsid3932824\charrsid4813514 Service of summons in conformance with the mode prescribed by statute is deemed jurisdictional, and, absent such service, no jurisdiction is acquired by the court in the particular action (}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0
{\f43\fbidi \froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f44\fbidi \froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f46\fbidi \froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times New Roman};}
;}{\levelnumbers;}\f3\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li5040\lin5040 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace360\levelindent0
Vacate Dismissal \f10\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li4320\jclisttab\tx4320\lin4320 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698689\'01\u-3913 ? \levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698715\'02\'05. \'02\'07. \f0\fs24\insrsid3932824 {\*\xmlopen\xmlns2{\factoidname Street}}{\*\xmlopen\xmlns2{\factoidname address}}Dept. To respond to a request for order to set aside an order or judgment, follow these steps: A declaration that describes why you believe the other sides request should be denied. did this information help you with your case? \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824 . {\listlevel\levelnfc2\levelnfcn2\leveljc2\leveljcn2\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698715\'02\'08. ae7b4c191ba8292337a469bc25ec3d411f06f53a73e224c5292c8de0516732307070a1c0660d125c7d44553488700a4d7bddd3444299910e254ab984c3a219ae
;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li1440\lin1440 }{\listlevel\levelnfc2\levelnfcn2\leveljc2\leveljcn2\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext
Defendant should be able to properly defend the case and have it decided by a trial on its merits . ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
\par )}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f0\fs24\insrsid3932824\charrsid10957546 \cell }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f0\fs24\insrsid3932824
\ri929\sb0\sa0}{\pgp\ipgp0\itap0\li0\ri0\sb0\sa0}{\pgp\ipgp38\itap0\li0\ri0\sb0\sa0}{\pgp\ipgp11\itap0\li0\ri0\sb0\sa0}}{\*\rsidtbl \rsid15382\rsid22281\rsid67356\rsid77044\rsid79825\rsid81157\rsid97006\rsid149232\rsid158075\rsid158284\rsid160197
\'01\u-3929 ? {\fdbmajor\f31523\fbidi \froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew){\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\fdbmajor\f31524\fbidi \froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic){\*\falt Times New Roman};}
If you ask the judge to set aside the order and you don't have a legal reason, the judge can order you to pay the other side's legal fees (if they hired a lawyer to respond to your request). }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824
that could result from the set aside. Co. (1923) 192 Cal. {\listlevel\levelnfc4\levelnfcn4\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698713\'02\'01. Similar to a post-judgment modification, the court is unwilling to grant a motion to set aside unless the criteria set forth above is met. }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824\charrsid11011902
\par (}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f0\fs24\insrsid3932824\charrsid6106529 Print)}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24 \ltrch\fcs0 \f0\fs24\ul\insrsid3932824\charrsid6106529 \tab
;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li2880\jclisttab\tx2880\lin2880 }{\listlevel\levelnfc4\levelnfcn4\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0
\ltrch\fcs0 \f0\fs24\ul\insrsid3932824\charrsid5072985
No affidavit or declaration of merits shall be required of the moving party. \par 4
\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824\charrsid804821 . Rptr. {\keywords Template - Motion Motion to Set Aside (Relief from Default)}{\operator Harold Park}{\creatim\yr2016\mo9\dy8\hr9\min54}{\revtim\yr2020\mo1\dy7\hr8\min57}{\printim\yr2012\mo6\dy1\hr14\min42}{\version3}{\edmins2}{\nofpages14}{\nofwords2617}
\s41\ql \li0\ri0\sb100\sa100\sbauto1\saauto1\widctlpar\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \rtlch\fcs1 \af0\afs24\alang1025 \ltrch\fcs0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033
(1971) 17 Cal.
), This six-month time limitation is jurisdictional; the court has no power to grant relief under 473 once the time has lapsed. (Austin v. Los Angeles Unified School District (2016) 244 Cal.App.4th 918, 928. \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \insrsid3932824\charrsid10957546
\leveltemplateid67698715\'02\'02. {\listoverride\listid319963219\listoverridecount0\ls10}{\listoverride\listid1990591952\listoverridecount0\ls11}{\listoverride\listid2132245440\listoverridecount0\ls12}{\listoverride\listid1272084494\listoverridecount0\ls13}{\listoverride\listid1520386047
The entry of an order to set aside and vacate the judgment in the permanent minutes of the court shall constitute a determination of the motion even though that minute order, as entered, expressly directs that a written order be prepared, signed, and filed. \f3\fbias0\hres0\chhres0 \fi-360\li2880\lin2880 }{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\lvltentative\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698691\'01o;}{\levelnumbers;}\f2\fbias0\hres0\chhres0
\'02\'08. {\sp{\sn posrelh}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn posrelv}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn dhgt}{\sv 251662336}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fPseudoInline}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 0}}}{\shprslt{\*\do\dobxpage\dobypage\dodhgt8195
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debt, however no declaration of venue has been filed and the complaint is not verified}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid3932824\charrsid3619234 . The request for order to set aside must be brought within 2 years after the entry of judgment, Failure to comply with the requirements of financial disclosure. \par }{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid7480003 Q}{\rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid3932824\charrsid3619234 . Proc. App. Id. 473(d) allows a court to set aside a default judgment at any time where the judgment is "void on its face". ;}\listid319963219}{\list\listtemplateid173706514\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc0\leveljcn0\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace0\levelindent0{\leveltext\leveltemplateid67698689\'01\u-3913 ? Action is GRANTED \b\insrsid7480003 Q } { \rtlch\fcs1 \af0 \ltrch\fcs0 \b\insrsid3932824\charrsid1925872 E. 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